Garden Collections
Showing 1–8 of 9 results
Butterfly Garden for sun
Butterfly Garden for sun
Note: This is a collection not currently for sale. This is an archive page preserved for informational use.
Butterfly Garden for Sun Size : Height x width* Bloom color
3 Agastache foeniculum – Anise hyssop 2-3’ x 12” purple
1 Asclepias incarnata – Swamp milkweed 3’-4’ x 2-3’ pink
1 Aster novae angliae – New England aster 3-4’ x 24” pink or purple
3 Chasmanthium latifolium 36” x 24” green
1 Liatris spicata – Blazing star 2-3’ x 18” purple
1 Lobelia siphilitica – Cardinal flower 3’ x 12” blue
1 Phlox paniculata – Garden phlox 4’ x 2’ spreading magenta
1 Monarda fistulosa – Beebalm 3-4’ x 2’ purple
3 Rudbeckia fulgida – Black-eyed susan 30”x 18” yellow
1 Sedum ‘Autumn Joy’ 30” x 12” pink
3 Verbena bonariensis (reseeding annual) 3-4’ x 6” purple
3 Zizia aurea – Golden alexander 30″x 24″ yellowAll plants are perennials except Verbena bonariensis which is an annual that reseeds.
If planted together in one garden these make a 31 square foot garden.
*Most of these plants get wider over time by spreading roots or by self-seeding . -
Cottage Garden for sun
Cottage Garden for sun
Note: This collection is not currently for sale. This is an archive page preserved for informational use.
Cottage Garden for Sun Size: Height x Width* Bloom color
Spring blooming
1 Anemone sylvestris – Windflower 12” x 12” spreading white
1 Papaver orientale – Poppy 2-3’ x 2’ orange
Summer blooming
1 Alcea rosea – Hollyhock (reseeding biennial) 2-3’ x 2’ varies
3 Delphinium exaltatum – Tall larkspur 3-4′ x 9″ purple
3 Lilium lancifolium – Tiger lily 3-4’ x 12” orange
3 Phlox paniculata – Garden phlox 4’ x 2’ magenta
1 Stachys byzantia – Lambs ear 12”x 12” lavender-pink
Fall blooming
1 Aster novae angliae – New England aster 3-4’ x 24” pink or purple
1 Boltonia asteroides – Bolton’s aster 5-6’ x 3’ white
3 Eupatorium coelestinum Blue mist 3’ x 2-3’ blueIf planted together in one garden these make a 33 square foot garden.
*Most of these plants get wider by spreading roots or by self-seeding over time.
All plants are perennials except the Hollyhock which is a biennial that reseeds. -
Deer Resistant garden for sun
ARCHIVED Note: This collection is not currently for sale. This is an archive page preserved for informational use. Deer Resistant Garden for sun Size: Height x width* Bloom color 3 Achillea filipendulina – Fernleaf yarrow […]
Note: This collection is not currently for sale. This is an archive page preserved for informational use.
Deer Resistant Garden for sun Size: Height x width* Bloom color
3 Achillea filipendulina – Fernleaf yarrow 3’-4’ x 30” yellow
3 Agastache foeniculum – Anise hyssop 2-3’ x 12” purple
1 Calamintha nepeta ssp nepeta – Lesser calamint 18-24” x 8-12” white
1 Coreopsis verticillata – Thread leafed tickseed 24” x 18” yellow
1 Echinops ritro – Globe thistle 3-4’ x 18” blue
3 Euphorbia polychroma – Cushion spurge 16” x 24” chartreuse
3 Lavandula angustifolia ‘Munstead’ 12-18” x 12-18” lavender
3 Nepeta mussinii – catmint 18” x 18” lavender
1 Perovskia atriplicifolia – Russian sage 4’ x 4’ lavender
1 Salvia nemorosa – Meadow sage 36” x 24” purpleAll plants are perennials.
If planted together in one garden these make a 36 square foot garden. *Most of these plants get wider over time by spreading roots or by self-seeding . -
Emily Dickinson Garden for sun
Emily Dickinson Garden for sun.
Note: This collection is not currently for sale. This is an archive page preserved for informational use.
Emily Dickinson Garden for Sun Size : Height x width* Bloom color
1 Alcea rosea – Hollyhock 2-3’ x 2’ varies
3 Aquilegia canadensis – Canada columbine 24-36”x 12” red
1 Aster novae angliae – New England aster 3-4’ x 24” pink or purple
3 Campanula rotundifolia – Harebell 9-12” x 8” blue
1 Clematis virginiana – Virgin’s bower (vine) 12-20’ x 4’ white
3 Geranium pratense – Meadow Cranesbill 24-36” x 24” bluish-violet
1 Iris siberica – Siberian iris 3-4’ x 12” purple
3 Lilium lancifoliuim – Tiger lily 3-4’ x 12” orange
1 Peony ‘Sarah Bernhardt’ 36” x 36” pink
3 Zizia aurea – Golden alexander 30″ x 24″ yellowAll plants are perennials except the Hollyhock which is a reseeding biennial.
If planted together in one garden these make a 30 square foot garden. **Most of these plants get wider over time by spreading roots or by self-seeding . -
Fall Garden for sun
Fall Blooming Garden for sun.
Note: This collection is not currently for sale. This is an archive page preserved for informational use.
Fall garden for Sun Size : Height x width* Bloom color
3 Aster cordifolius – Blue wood aster 2-3’ x 2-3’ blue
1 Boltonia asteroides – Bolton’s aster 5-6’ x 3’ white
1 Chrysanthemum ‘Clara Curtis’ 2’ x 2’ pink
1 Imperata cylindrical – Japanese bloodgrass 16-20” x 12” red leaves
1 Miscanthus purpurascens – Flame grass 4-5’ x 3-4’ orange-red leaves
1 Nipponanthemum nipponicum – Nippon daisy 2-3’ x 2-3’ white
1 Pennisetum orientale – Oriental fountaingrass 2′ x 2′ pink
1 Persicaria affinis – Dwarf fleeceflower 8-12” x 3’ red
3 Sedum sieboldii – October daphne 4” x 8” pink
3 Sedum spurium ‘Coccineum’ – Dragon’s blood 6” x 24” redAll plants are perennials.
If planted together in one garden these make a 36 square foot garden. **Most of these plants get wider over time by spreading roots or by self-seeding . -
Fragrant Garden for sun
ARCHIVED Note: This collection is a not currently for sale. This is an archive page preserved for informational use. Fragrant Garden for sun Size: Height x width * Bloom color 3 Agastache foeniculum – Anise hyssop 2-3’ x 12” purple 1 Buddleja davidii – Butterfly bush […]
Note: This collection is a not currently for sale. This is an archive page preserved for informational use.
Fragrant Garden for sun Size: Height x width * Bloom color
3 Agastache foeniculum – Anise hyssop 2-3’ x 12” purple
1 Buddleja davidii – Butterfly bush 6’ x 4’ purple
1 Clematis ternifolia – Sweet autumn 15-20’ x 6-10’ white
3 Lavandula angustifolia ‘Munstead’ 12-18” x 12-18” lavender
1 Lilium auratum – Gold band lily 2-5’ x 12” white/yellow
1 Paeonia ‘Sarah Bernhardt’ 36” x 36” pink
1 Monarda didyma – ‘Cambridge Scarlet’ beebalm 3-4’ x spreading red
3 Sporobolis heterolepsis -Prairie dropseed 2′ x 2′ pink/brown
3 Thymus serphyllum – Creeping thyme 3″ x 24″ purpleAll plants are perennials.
If planted together in one garden these make a 28 square foot garden. *Most of these plants get wider over time by spreading roots or by self-seeding . -
Long blooming Garden for sun
Long Blooming Garden for sun.
Note: This collection is not currently for sale. This is an archive page preserved for informational use.
Long Blooming Garden for Sun Size : Height x width* Bloom color
3 Agastache foeniculum -Anise hyssop 2-3’ x 12” purple
1 Callirhoe involucrata – Prairie poppy mallow 6” x 12-24” magenta
3 Erodium manescavii – Heron’s bill 12-18” x 8” magenta
1 Papaver rupifragum – Spanish poppy 12-18” x 8” purple
3 Rudbeckia triloba – Brown-eyed susan 3-4’ x 2-3’ yellow
3 Ruellia humilis – Prairie petunia 8-10” x 10” purple
1 Scabiosa ochroleuca- Cream pincushion flower 24-30” x 18” white
1 Teucrium hircanicum – Iranian germander 18” x 28” purpleThese BLOOM for two months or more. All plants are perennials.
If planted together in one garden these make a 24 square foot garden. *Most of these plants get wider over time by spreading roots or by self-seeding . -
Prairie Garden
Prairie Garden
Note: This collection is not currently for sale. This is an archive page preserved for informational use.
Prairie Garden Size : Height x width* Bloom color
3 Agastache foeniculum – Anise hyssop 2-3’ x 12” purple
3 Allium cernuum – Prairie onion 12”-18”x 3-6” pink
1 Aster cordifolius – Blue wood aster 2-3’ x 2-3’ blue
3 Bouteloua gracilis – Blue grama 2’ x 12” purple tinge
1 Desmanthus illinoensis – Prairie mimosa 4’ x 3’ white
1 Eryngium yuccifolium – Rattlesnake master 48” x 18” white
1 Eupatorium sessilifolium – Upland boneset 3-4’ x 12-24” white
1 Euphorbia corollata – Flowering spurge 36”x 18” white
3 Geum triflorum – Prairie smoke 12”x 8” pink
1 Hystrix patula – Bottlebrush grass 2-3’ x 12-18” purple/green
1 Monarda fistulosa – Beebalm 3-4’ x 2’ purple
1 Parthenium integrifolium – Wild quinine 2-3’x 12” white
1 Solidago riddellii – Riddell’s goldenrod 3’ x 2’ yellow
3 Sporobolis heterolepsis – Prairie dropseed 2’ x 2’ orange-copper
All plants are perennials.
If planted together in one garden these make a 32 square foot garden. *Most of these plants get wider over time by spreading roots or by self-seeding .