Alpine, Rock, Miniature, Bonsai and Railroad Gardens

Showing 17–24 of 85 results

  • Bigelowia nuttallii Nuttall’s rayless goldenrod Z 4-10

    Clouds of soft yellow flower clusters rise above evergreen foliage from mid-summer through fall on this short plant.



    Clouds of soft yellow flower clusters rise above evergreen foliage from mid-summer through fall on this short plant.

    Size: 10-12” x 5”
    Care: sun in well-drained soil, perfect rock garden plant
    Native: Southern US; TX, LA, AL, GA, FL
    Wildlife Value: attracts honeybees

    Possibly collected by Thomas Nuttall, for whom it is named, before 1818. Collected again on banks of Ohoopee River in Tattnall County GA before 1970.

  • Bletilla striata syn. B. hyacinthina Chinese ground orchid Z 5-9

    Racemes of pinkish-purple flowers on scapes above dark green, upright, lance-shaped leaves, April-May




    Five to 7 flowers, about 2” across grow toward the top of a stem ladder-like. Each flower has 6 lobes, 3 on the upper half and two on the lower half.    These lobes, purplish, red, or pink, are elongated-oval in shape. A rectangular lobe with undulating surface, like an open accordion, protrudes from the center, hanging down.


    Size: 12-18” x 12”
    Care: Part shade in moist, well-drained soil.
    Native: China, Japan
    Wildlife Value: Attracts bees, butterflies and hummingbirds. Deer & Rabbit resistant.
    Awards: Royal Horticultural Society Award of Garden Merit

    Protect with thick winter mulch, may not reliably survive Zone 5 winters.
    Spreads slowly by rhizomes and seeds in optimal conditions.
    ‘Bletilla’ honors Louis Blet, a Spanish apothecary in Algeciras who also had a botanic garden at the end of the 18th century. Collected before 1784 by Thunberg.

  • Campanula carpatica Tussock bellflower, Carpathian bellflower Z 3-8

    In summer blue, violet or white bells



    In summer blue, violet or white bells.

    Size: 12” x 12”
    Care: Sun moist well-drained soil
    Native: Carpathian mountains in central Europe
    Awards: England’s Royal Horticultural Society Award of Merit.

    Campanula is Latin means little bell.  In 1629 Parkinson described campanulas as “cherished for the beautie of their flowers…”  Young roots of this species were eaten in “sallets.”   Introduced to European gardens from the Carpathian Mountains in 1774. Sold by McMahon’s Philadelphia nursery in the early 1800’s.  Probably cultivated by Jefferson at Monticello.

  • Campanula portenschlagiana Dalmatian bellflower Z 4-8

    Purple, upfacing bells for months in mid to late summer



    Purple, upfacing bells for months in mid to late summer

    Size: 4-6” x 20”
    Care: full sun-part shade in moist well-drained soil
    Native: Northern Yugoslavia
    Awards: England’s Royal Horticultural Society Award of Merit. Top rated Chicago Botanic Garden & Elisabeth Carey Miller Botanical Garden Great Plant Pick.

    Campanula is Latin meaning “little bell.”  1st described in Systema Vegetabilium 5: 93 in 1819 by one of its discoverers, Franz Edler von Portenschlag-Ledermayer (1772-1822).

  • Campanula poscharskyana Adriatic bellflower, Serbian bellflower Z 4-8

    Riot of lilac colored star-shaped blooms May – June over this short, trailing mound of leaves.



    Riot of lilac colored star-shaped blooms May – June over this short, trailing mound of leaves.

    Size: 6" X 24" spreads
    Care: Sun to part shade in moist well-drained soil.
    Native: Mountains of Eastern Europe
    Awards: Top rated by the Chicago Botanic Garden. Elisabeth Carey Miller Botanical Garden Great Plant Pick

    Campanula is Latin meaning “little bell.”  Collected before 1822. Named for 19th century German plantsman, Gustav Poscharsky.

  • Campanula rotundifolia Harebell, Bluebell of Scotland Z 3-8

    Its delicate appearance conceals its hardy constitution. Dainty bluish-lilac bells to 12” stems on bushy round ground-hugging foliage.  Blooms from June to October and occasionally November.  Perfect for rock gardens and borders.



    Its delicate appearance conceals its hardy constitution. Dainty bluish-lilac bells to 12” stems on bushy round ground-hugging foliage.  Blooms from June to October and occasionally November.  Perfect for rock gardens and borders.

    Size: 9-12" x 12"
    Care: Sun to part shade in moist well-drained soil
    Native: Europe, Siberia and North America, including Wisconsin
    Wildlife Value: Walnut and deer tolerant

    Lakota ate the leaves raw and cooked and made an infusion of the roots to remedy earaches.  Sir Walter Scott immortalized the Bluebell of Scotland in Lady of the Lake.  Also a subject of Emily Dickinson’s poetry.

  • Cerastium biebersteinii Mouse ear Z 4-7

    White felt-like foliage, white flowers in spring.  “Ornamental foliage dwarf plant with beautiful silvery tinted foliage,” Bliss & Sons Catalog 1872.



    White felt-like foliage, white flowers in spring.  “Ornamental foliage dwarf plant with beautiful silvery tinted foliage,” Bliss & Sons Catalog 1872.

    Size: 6" x spreading
    Care: Sun in well-drained soil
    Native: Tauria

    Cerastium is from the Greek keras meaning “horn” because of the shape of the seed capsule. Used as a groundcover under tropical plants in Victorian gardens.  In 1913 Sanders identified it as a “good edging or rockery plant.” Grown in American gardens since 1860’s.

  • Chaenorhinum glareosum Dwarf snapdragon Z 5-9

    Rare plant. Spires of tiny purple to blue trumpets with yellow throats spring, summer & fall. Love this itsy plant.



    Rare plant. Spires of tiny purple to blue trumpets with yellow throats spring, summer & fall. Love this itsy plant.

    Size: 4” x 9-12” semi-trailing cushion
    Care: sun to part-shade in well-drained soil
    Native: Spain
    Wildlife Value: Attracts bees, butterflies and birds.

    1st described in 1838. Chaenorhinum means “honey lotus” in Greek.