Black Walnut Tolerant
Showing 57–64 of 110 results
Hosta ‘fortunei ‘Aureomarginata’ Z 3-9
One of the most popular Hosta varieties. Handsome, broad, ribbed, wavy, green foliage with yellow margins. Lavender, trumpet-shaped flowers rise on scapes above the leaves in summer.
One of the most popular Hosta varieties. Handsome, broad, ribbed, wavy, green foliage with yellow margins. Lavender, trumpet-shaped flowers rise on scapes above the leaves in summer.
Size: 12-16” x 18-24”
Care: shade to part-shade in moist well-drained soil. Tolerant Black walnut toxinsHosta named for Austrian botanist Nicholas Thomas Host (1761-1834) in 1812. This variety registered in 1987.
Hosta lancifolia Lanceleaf Hosta Z 3-8
Lavender flowers in late summer to early autumn
BuyLavender flowers in late summer to early autumn
Size: 18" x 30"
Care: sun to shade in moist well-drained soil.
Native: Japan
Wildlife Value: attracts hummingbirdsJapanese called Hostas Giboshi and ate young leaves in spring as a vegetable. Hosta was named for Dr. Nicholas Host (1761-1834) the physician to the emperor of Austria. Hostas, cultivated since at least the 12th century in Asia, were first described for Europeans by Englebert Kaempfer in 1712, doctor for the Dutch East Indian Company on Dechima Island. . He taught Japanese interpreters astronomy and math and plied them with liquor in exchange for plants. H. lancifolia drawings date to 1690. Cultivated in the U.S. since the late 1800’s.
Hosta ventricosa Z 3-8
rich lavender bells periscope over heart-shaped leaves
BuyIn late summer rich lavender bells periscope over heart-shaped, prominently veined foliage.
Can not ship to: Maryland
Size: 20" x 36"
Care: Part shade in moist to moist well-drained soil. Tolerate Walnut toxicity
Native: China
Wildlife Value: attracts hummingbirds
Awards: Received England's Royal Horticultural Society Award of Merit.Japanese called Hostas Giboshi and ate young leaves in spring as a vegetable Hosta was named for Dr. Nicholas Host (1761-1834) the physician to the emperor of Austria. Hostas, cultivated since at least the 12th century in East Asia. Empress Josephine grew this at Malmaison. Redoute, Josephine’s botanical illustrator, painted H. ventricosa in 1805.
Hylotelephium herbstsfreude syn Sedum ‘Autumn Joy’ Z 4-9
Classic, large flat flower heads turn from green to rose
BuyClassic, large flat flower heads turn from green to rose blooming in September and October. A staple for autumn in the garden.
Size: 30” x 12”
Care: full sun in well-drained soil
Wildlife Value: Attracts many bees and butterflies. Black walnut tolerant, deer resistant.
Awards: England’s Royal Horticultural Society Award of Garden Merit.Autumn Joy introduced to gardens before 1920 by the George Arends Nursery in Ronsdorf, Germany.
Hylotelephium sieboldii syn Sedum sieboldii, October Daphne Z 3-9
Fleshy gray-green foliage edged with pink encircles the prostrate stems, flowering strawberry pink in fall. Perfect for rock gardens, front of border, fairy gardens, roof gardens, troughs and groundcover or anyplace with drought.
Fleshy gray-green foliage edged with pink encircles the prostrate stems, flowering strawberry pink in fall. Perfect for rock gardens, front of border, fairy gardens, roof gardens, troughs and groundcover or anyplace with drought.
Size: 4" x 8"
Care: full sun in moderately fertile, well-drained soil.
Native: Japan
Wildlife Value: Drought tolerant and deer resistant.
Awards: Elisabeth Carey Miller Botanical Garden Great Plant PickSedum means “plant that sits.” “Live forever” is an ancient Greek name for sedums. The Roman Pliny claimed that sedum’s juice treated wounds. In the 1500’s English herbalist Gerard called sedums “very full of life,” referring to succulent’s quality of being very easy to grow. This species named for its discoverer, Dr. Philipp Franz von Siebold (1791-1866). Von Siebold, a German doctor, worked for the Dutch East India Company as its resident physician on Deshima Island, off the coast of Japan. He boldly became too knowledgeable about Japanese affairs and was imprisoned by the Japanese in 1826 and then banished in 1828. When he left he carried nearly 500 plants with him to Europe. William Robinson, father of the mixed perennial border, described Sedum sieboldii as beautiful. He advised gardeners to grow it “in strong loam and mortar rubble in fully exposed positions (and use it as) an excellent plant for vases in summer.”
Lobelia cardinalis Cardinal flower Z 3-9
Ruby, cardinal red tubes with an upper lip split in half and a lower lip like a pixie’s apron encircle the spike from August to October beckon hummingbirds to feed.
BuyRuby, cardinal red tubes with an upper lip split in half and a lower lip like a pixie’s apron encircle the spike from August to October beckon hummingbirds to feed.
Size: 3’ x 12”
Care: sun to part shade in fertile, moist soil. Moist soil important
Native: Canada to Texas, Wisconsin native.
Wildlife Value: attracts hummingbirds
Awards: Received England’s Royal Horticultural Society Award of Merit & Missouri Botanic Garden Plant of Merit.Cherokee cured stomach aches, worms, pain, fever, nose bleeds, rheumatism, headaches, colds, and croup with Lobelia. They used the root to treat syphilis. Other Natives and colonists used the plant to induce vomiting. At the end of a funeral, Meskwaki Indians threw the dried and pulverized plant into the grave. Meskwaki also chopped the roots and secretly put it in the food of “a quarrelsome pair.” Allegedly “this makes the pair love each other again.” Lobelia is named for Matthias L’Obel (1538-1616) French expatriate who immigrated to England and became physician to English King James I. Tradescant the Younger introduced this to European gardens when he sent it to England in 1637. Offered for sale in Bartram Garden’s 1783 Broadside. In 1749 Swedish botanist Peter Kalm wrote that Indians used five species of Lobelia to cure venereal disease, “an infallible art of curing it.” Grown by Washington at Mount Vernon and Thomas Jefferson at Monticello. Pressed specimen in Emily Dickinson’s herbarium.
Lobelia siphilitica Great lobelia Z 4-9
A striking, erect spike of sky to blueberry-blue blossoms. On top club-shaped buds, below trumpet-shapes, open flowers, made of a tube flaring open with the bottom divided into three, each segment pointed at the ends. From late summer to early fall.
BuyA striking, erect spike of sky to blueberry-blue blossoms. On top club-shaped buds, below trumpet-shapes, open flowers, made of a tube flaring open with the bottom divided into three, each segment pointed at the ends. From late summer to early fall.
Size: 3' x 12"
Care: Full sun to part shade in moist to moist well-drained soil
Native: Connecticut to Wyoming, south to Texas then east to Georgia and all states in between, Wisconsin native.
Wildlife Value: attracts bumble bees, hummingbirds and some butterfliesLobelia is named for Matthias L’Obel (1538-1616) a French expatriate who emigrated to England and became physician to English King James I. Cherokee used the root to treat headaches, stomachaches, worms, nosebleeds, colds and syphilis. 1st collected by Rev. John Banister who moved to colonial Virginia in 1678. A gunman mistakenly shot and killed him while he collected plants. In 1749 Swedish botanist Peter Kalm wrote that Indians used five species of Lobelia to cure venereal disease, having “an infallible art of curing it.” According to John Bartram (1699-17760) “The learned Pehr Kalm (who gained the Knowledge of it from Colonel Johnson, who learned it of the Indians, who, after great Rewards bestowed on several of them, revealed the Secret to him) saith, That the Roots of this Plant cureth the Pox much more perfectly and easily than any mercurial Preparations, and is generally used by the Canada Indians, for the Cure of themselves“ (Better than mercury!) Oneidas considered this good medicine for distemper. Sioux treated bloat, diarrhea and dysentery as well as a love charm by adding powdered root to the food of the intended. Offered for sale in Bartram Garden’s 1783 Broadside, America’s 1st plant catalog.
Lonicera x brownii ‘Dropmore Scarlet’ Dropmore Scarlet trumpet honeysuckle Z 2-8
Clusters of scarlet trumpets with orange throats repeat bloom July into fall.
Clusters of scarlet trumpets with orange throats bloom repeatedly from July into fall.
Size: 10-12’ x 2-3’ fast growing
Care: sun to part shade in moist well-drained soil. Prune in early spring
Wildlife Value: Hummingbirds love the red trumpet-shaped flowers. Tolerates walnut toxicity.Cross of L. sempervirens and L. hirsuta. This long-blooming selection made by Dr. F.L. Skinner at Dropmore Manitoba. Introduced in 1950.