Our Plants

Showing 137–144 of 616 results

  • Cerastium biebersteinii Mouse ear Z 4-7

    White felt-like foliage, white flowers in spring.  “Ornamental foliage dwarf plant with beautiful silvery tinted foliage,” Bliss & Sons Catalog 1872.



    White felt-like foliage, white flowers in spring.  “Ornamental foliage dwarf plant with beautiful silvery tinted foliage,” Bliss & Sons Catalog 1872.

    Size: 6" x spreading
    Care: Sun in well-drained soil
    Native: Tauria

    Cerastium is from the Greek keras meaning “horn” because of the shape of the seed capsule. Used as a groundcover under tropical plants in Victorian gardens.  In 1913 Sanders identified it as a “good edging or rockery plant.” Grown in American gardens since 1860’s.

  • Cercis canadensis Red bud, Judas tree. Z 4-8

    In spring when we need a Dionysian jolt from winter’s hibernation the Red bud’s flowers burst open. Shameless fuchsia buds appear along the tree’s stems, before the leaves unfurl. As spring turns to summer, glossy medium green hearts, the shape of each leaf, replace the buds. Vase shaped, fast growing and blooming as a young tree.



    In spring when we need a Dionysian jolt from winter’s hibernation shameless fuchsia buds appear along the tree’s stems, then Red bud’s flowers burst open before the glossy leaves unfurl.

    Size: 20-30’ tall and 25-35’ wide
    Care: sun to part shade and moist well drained soil.
    Native: between NY northwest to Wisconsin, Florida and southwest to New Mexico. Oklahoma adopted it as its state tree.
    Wildlife Value: Spring Azure, Henry’s Elfin & Great Purple Hairstreak butterflies drink flowers’ nectar. Immune to the toxin Juglone from Walnut trees.

    1st described by French explorer and botanist Joseph Pitton Tournefort in 1700 in Institutiones rei herbariae and he named it Siliquastrum canadense.  The tree went through six different names until 1737 when Linnaeus renamed it Cercis canadensis. Collected by Colonial nurseryman John Bartram. (1699-1776) George Washington planted this at Mount Vernon. Cherokee and Delaware steeped Red bud roots and bark in water for cures of fever, stuffiness, whooping cough and vomiting.  Cherokee children ate the flowers.  French Canadians added them to salads.

  • Chaenorhinum glareosum Dwarf snapdragon Z 5-9

    Rare plant. Spires of tiny purple to blue trumpets with yellow throats spring, summer & fall. Love this itsy plant.



    Rare plant. Spires of tiny purple to blue trumpets with yellow throats spring, summer & fall. Love this itsy plant.

    Size: 4” x 9-12” semi-trailing cushion
    Care: sun to part-shade in well-drained soil
    Native: Spain
    Wildlife Value: Attracts bees, butterflies and birds.

    1st described in 1838. Chaenorhinum means “honey lotus” in Greek.

  • Chasmanthium latifolium Northern Sea oats Z 5-9

    Graceful, pendulous oat-like spikes



    In August – December Northern sea oats bear pendulous panicles of oat-like spikelets, emerging green and turning bronze. They hang on all winter.

    Size: 36" x 24"
    Care: full sun to part shade in any soil
    Native: Eastern U.S., New Jersey to Texas
    Wildlife Value: attracts butterflies

    Introduced by Michaux (1746-1802) extraordinary French plant hunter, who searched much of eastern No. America for plants. Indians ate the seeds for food. Used ornamentally since Victorian times for fresh and dried arrangements.

  • Chelone glabra White turtlehead Z 3-8

    Spikes of pink over-tones on white, two-lipped, turtlehead shaped blooms in fall



    Spikes of pink over-tones on white, two-lipped, turtlehead shaped blooms in fall

    Size: 24-36” x 12”
    Care: sun to part shade in moist to moist well-drained soil, tolerates clay.
    Native: eastern North America incl Wisconsin
    Wildlife Value: Pollen for bumblebees. Breeding site for Baltimore Checkerspot butterflies. Deer resistant.

    The name Chelone originated with French colonial settlers in Nova Scotia before 1700.  They called this “La Tortue,” meaning “turtle” in French. The word chelone is Greek for tortoise. A tea brewed from the leaves was said to increase the appetite.

  • Chelone obliqua Rose turtlehead Z 5-9

    Rich pink turtlehead shaped blooms in fall



    Rich pink turtlehead shaped blooms in fall

    Size: 16-24" x 12"
    Care: Part shade moist to moist well-drained soil, tolerates clay
    Native: Central and southeastern America
    Wildlife Value: Attracts Baltimore Checkerspot butterflies.

    The name Chelone originated with French colonial settlers in Nova Scotia before 1700.  They called this plant’s white-flowered relative (Chelone glabra) “La Tortue,” meaning “turtle” in French. This pink one found in 1752 by Virginia plantsman John Clayton and sent to John Bartram in Philadelphia in 1765.  Called the “red Chelone.”  A tea brewed from the leaves was said to increase appetite.

  • Chrysanthemum x rubellum ‘Clara Curtis’ Z 4-9

    Late-summer - fall, sprays of large, single pink daisies, each with a golden eye.



    Late-summer – fall, sprays of large, single pink daisies, each with a golden eye.

    Size: 2’ x 2’
    Care: Sun to part shade in any soil. Pinch back half way in June to keep plants bushy.

    Korean hybrids, of which this is one, created in 1937 by crossing early flowering mum with Chrysanthemum coreanum.

  • Chrysanthemum x rubellum ‘Mary Stoker’ Z 4-9

    Sprays of large, single warming yellow daisies, blushed with apricot top a bushy mound of light green leaves,  Blooms late-summer to late-fall



    Sprays of large, single warming yellow daisies, blushed with apricot top a bushy mound of light green leaves, blooms late-summer to late-fall

    Size: 1-2’ x 2-3’ and spreading
    Care: Full sun to part shade, tolerates normal, sandy or clay soil
    Wildlife Value: Attracts bees, butterflies and birds. Deer resistant.

    One of the rubellum hybrids, Hybridized in the 1930’s