Perennials & Biennials
Showing 57–64 of 512 results
Arisaema triphyllum Jack-in-the-pulpit, Indian turnip Z 4-9
May-June striped, hooded spathe (leaf-like bract shielding one side of the upright spike), red berries in fall
May-June striped, hooded spathe (leaf-like bract shielding one side of the upright spike), red berries in fall – a favorite shade plant
Size: 6-24”x 12”
Care: Part shade - shade in moist soil
Native: Eastern No. America, Wisconsin native.Pawnee medicine men pulverized the corm to treat headaches and rheumatism. The Cherokee used it to cure headaches, the common cold, ringworm, boils and “for scald head (and) scrofulous sores.” Iroquois remedied adolescent diarrhea and listless infants with Jack-in-the-pulpit. Also “for nonconception caused by cold blood” and for “temporary sterility.” Chopped root mixed with whiskey cured colds. It induced pregnancy for female horses. Menominee pulverized the root, placed in incised lip to counteract witchery on the face. The seed predicted death or recovery for the Meskwaki who also used it as poison to kill enemies. The Potawatomi discovered that cooking the root for 3 days eliminated the poison. HoChunk spread a compound of the root on neuralgia or rheumatism. Native Americans boiled the berries and roasted the root, for food. Garden cultivation since 1664.
Aristolochia durior syn. A. macrophylla, A sipho Dutchman’s pipe, Birthwort Z 4-8
Yellow, mottled brown flowers like Meerschaum pipes in May – June, mostly grown for heart-shaped leaves on this vigorous climber (climbs by twining). Perfect for creating a screen on pergolas, arbors and fences.
Yellow, mottled brown flowers like Meerschaum pipes in May – June, mostly grown for heart-shaped leaves on this vigorous climber (climbs by twining). Perfect for creating a screen on pergolas, arbors and fences.
Size: 20-30’ x 2’ at ground, 20’ on top.
Care: sun to shade (one of few vines for shade) in moist well-drained to moist soil. Prune to encourage branching.
Native: Maine to Georgia, west to KS.
Wildlife Value: sole host for the Pipevine swallowtail butterflyAristolochia is Greek for easing childbirth. Cherokee applied decoction of root for swollen legs & feet. Collected by Colonial nurseryman John Bartram and sent to England in 1763. Sold in America’s 1st plant catalog, Bartram’s Broadside, 1783. In Colonial and Victorian gardens, popular vine to create privacy and shade
Armeria maritima Thrift, Sea pink Z 3-10
Petite pink balls from May to June atop grass-like foliage
Petite pink balls from May to June atop grass-like foliage
Size: 8” x 12”
Care: full sun, well-drained, moderately fertile soil
Native: North Atlantic coastsKnown to grow in the late Glacial period – around 10,000 BC. Common cottage garden flower since the reign of Queen Elizabeth 1st, 16th century. A favorite plant for knot gardens.
Armeria pseudoarmeria syn. A. formosa syn. A. latifolia, A. alpina Alpine thrift, Giant thrift Z 5-7
Carmine-pink balls atop stems and taller than grass-like foliage flowering in June and sporadically all summer
Carmine-pink balls atop stems and taller than grass-like foliage flowering in June and sporadically all summer
Size: 12” x 8”
Care: full sun in well-drained soil, heat and drought tolerant
Native: So. EuropeIn gardens since 1740. Per Wm Robinson this plant: “one of the best hardy flowers from southern Europe and should be in every collection.”
Artemisia frigida Prairie sagewort, Silky wormwood Z 3-10
Erect stems bear silvery-white, finely-divided foliage. Leaves smell like camphor. Inconspicuous yellow flowers bloom in summer.
Erect stems bear silvery-white, finely-divided foliage. Leaves smell like camphor. Inconspicuous yellow flowers bloom in summer.
Size: 6-18” x 12-18”
Care: sun in well-drained soil. Drought tolerant.
Native: all North America except the SE, CA and OR, Wisconsin native
Wildlife Value: source of nesting material for native bees, food for caterpillars of several butterflies & moths
Awards: Royal Horticultural Society Award of Garden MeritNative Americans used this Artemisia to preserve meat, feed horses, repel insects, to remedy toothache, headache, coughing, lung ailments, heartburn, and colds. Indians in Great Basin used it in ceremonies. Chippewa made a decoction of root for convulsions. For the Lakota this was “women’s medicine” with an infusion helping regulate menstrual periods and induce contractions in pregnancy.
Meriwether Lewis collected this along the Missouri River in South Dakota on October 3, 1804. -
Artemisia ludoviciana Silver sage, Wormwood Z 4-9
Grown for its silver-grey foliage in the garden & dried in arrangements.
Grown for its silver-grey foliage in the garden & dried in arrangements
Size: 3’ x 2’ and spreading
Care: sun in well-drained soil
Native: Colorado south to Texas, west to California.
Size: Cut fresh or dried flowers, prairie gardenBlackfoot used the leaves to clean themselves as part of religious rituals. California’s Shasta Indians used the leaves to prepare dead bodies to be buried. HoChunk made a smudge to revive the unconscious. Cahuilla Indians made baskets and roofs and walls of their homes with the stems. First collected for gardens by Meriwether Lewis October 1, 1804 in South Dakota. Artemisia named for the wife of Mausolus, king of Caria, who began using the plants and adopted it as hers. Miller 1768.
Artemisia stellerana Beach wormwood, Dusty miller Z 3-7
Intricate, embroidery-like, felty-white foliage
BuyGrown for its intricate, embroidery-like, felty-white foliage
Can not ship to: Maryland
Size: 24” x 12”
Care: sun in moist well-drained to dry soil
Native: naturalized in North America from Massachusetts to DelawareArtemisia named for the wife of Mausolus, king of Caria, who began using another Artemisia. Miller 1768. Collected from the wild by 1842. Recommended by Gertrude Jekyll to use on the edges of gardens, 1908 L.H. Bailey (1933) described it as “attractive for its whiteness. Useful for borders.”
Arum italicum Cuckoo plant, Lords and ladies Z 5-9
“The leaves of this sort rise a foot and a half high, are very large, running out to a point; these are finely veined with white, interspersed with black spots, which, together with the fine shining green of their surface, make a pretty variety. The flowers grow near a foot high, and have long upright spaths, which are of a pale green, inclining to white; these appear the end of April, or beginning of May, and the seeds are ripe in August.” Phillip Miller’s Gardeners Dictionary, 1768. (seeds are poison)
“The leaves of this sort rise a foot and a half high, are very large, running out to a point; these are finely veined with white, interspersed with black spots, which, together with the fine shining green of their surface, make a pretty variety. The flowers grow near a foot high, and have long upright spaths, which are of a pale green, inclining to white; these appear the end of April, or beginning of May, and the seeds are ripe in August.” Phillip Miller’s Gardeners Dictionary, 1768. (seeds are poison)
Can not ship to: Maryland
Size: 10-15”x 8"
Care: Shade to part shade in moist well-drained soil
Native: Italy, Spain, Britain, and Portugal.
Awards: Royal Horticultural Society Award of Garden MeritIdentified by Pedianus Dioscordies (40 – 90) in De Materica Medica for medicinal use around 70 A.D. “Showy,” according to William Robinson (1933.)