Butterfly Garden
Butterflies add life, motion & color to our gardens. A garden for butterflies gives nectar for food, hosts caterpillars and their chrysalises.
Attract Skipper, Black Tiger, Spicetail, Blue Swallowtails, Checkered White, Spring Azure, American Small Copper, Variegated & Great Spangled Fritillaries, Sachem, Coral & Gray Hairstreak and Monarch butterflies with these flowers.
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Butterfly Garden for sun
Butterfly Garden for sun
Note: This is a collection not currently for sale. This is an archive page preserved for informational use.
Butterfly Garden for Sun Size : Height x width* Bloom color
3 Agastache foeniculum – Anise hyssop 2-3’ x 12” purple
1 Asclepias incarnata – Swamp milkweed 3’-4’ x 2-3’ pink
1 Aster novae angliae – New England aster 3-4’ x 24” pink or purple
3 Chasmanthium latifolium 36” x 24” green
1 Liatris spicata – Blazing star 2-3’ x 18” purple
1 Lobelia siphilitica – Cardinal flower 3’ x 12” blue
1 Phlox paniculata – Garden phlox 4’ x 2’ spreading magenta
1 Monarda fistulosa – Beebalm 3-4’ x 2’ purple
3 Rudbeckia fulgida – Black-eyed susan 30”x 18” yellow
1 Sedum ‘Autumn Joy’ 30” x 12” pink
3 Verbena bonariensis (reseeding annual) 3-4’ x 6” purple
3 Zizia aurea – Golden alexander 30″x 24″ yellowAll plants are perennials except Verbena bonariensis which is an annual that reseeds.
If planted together in one garden these make a 31 square foot garden.
*Most of these plants get wider over time by spreading roots or by self-seeding .