Primula japonica Japanese primrose, Candelabra primrose in Japan called Kurin-sou Z 4-8


White, red, pink or purple primrose flowers in early summer. Each bearing a whorl of 3-6 flowers encircling each leafless stem, alternating with a bare section of leafless stem, then another whorl of flowers, then another section of bare stem, in tiers, like a ballerina’s tutu with bare midriff between. Basal mound of crinkled foliage

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White, red, pink or purple primrose flowers in early summer. Each bearing a whorl of 3-6 flowers encircling each leafless stem, alternating with a bare section of leafless stem, then another whorl of flowers, then another section of bare stem, in tiers, like a ballerina’s tutu with bare midriff between. Basal mound of crinkled foliage