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Showing 161–168 of 200 results
Sedum hispanicum var. minus ‘Purple Form’ Little Blue Spanish stonecrop, Tiny buttons Z 4-9
Many petite faintly pink flowers in June, soft, succulent, glaucous leaves form a perfect mound.
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Many petite faintly pink flowers in June, soft, succulent, glaucous leaves form a perfect mound. Perfect for rock gardens, front of border, fairy gardens, roof garden, troughs and groundcover, or any place with drought.
Size: 2” x 8”
Care: sun to part sun in well-drained soil
Native: Southern Europe, Balkan peninsulaThe variety minus is considered a synonym of the species which was described by the father of botany, Linnaeus, in 1750’s.
Selinum wallichianum syn. S. tenuifolium Milk parsley Z 6-10
All summer filigree of lacy, fern-like foliage then in late summer -fall white domes, 8” across, each dome made of multiple balls atop purple-red stems.
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“Queen of umbellifers,” EA Bowles. All summer filigree of lacy, fern-like foliage then in late summer -fall white domes, 8” across, each dome made of multiple balls atop purple-red stems.
Size: 3-5’ x 3’
Care: sun to part shade in moist well-drained to well-drained soil
Native: Himalayas
Wildlife Value: butterfly magnet
Awards: recipient of the Royal Horticultural Society Award of Garden MeritOriginally named Cortia lindeyi in 1830 Prodromus Systematis Naturalis Regni Vegetabilis 4: 186. Named for Dutch physician and botanist Nathanial Wallich (1786-1854). Rural Himalayan residents use this for spice, incense and fodder.
Semiaquilegia ecalcarata Spurless columbine, Z 5-9
Dainty dusty plum-pink columbine-like blossoms, without the tail, dangle above divided lobed foliage in May-June.
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Dainty dusty plum-pink columbine-like blossoms, without the tail, dangle above divided lobed foliage in May-June.
Size: 6-10” x 8”
Care: sun to part shade in well-drained soil
Native: open woods and slopes in central China & Tibet
Awards: Royal Horticultural Society Award of Garden MeritCollected before 1891. Named “Wu ju lou dou cai” in Chinese.
Sesleria nitida Nest Moor grass Z 5-8
Spike-like panicles of white turn purple atop mounds of gray-blue blades
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In early spring, about the time Robins appear, spike-like panicles of white turn purple atop mounds of gray-blue blades
Size: 24”x16”
Care: sun to part shade in most any soil
Native: central and southern ItalyCollected before 1861.
Shade Garden
Shade Garden.
Note: This collection is not currently for sale. This is an archive page preserved for informational use.
Shade Garden Size : Height x width* Bloom color
3 Asarum canadense – Wild ginger 6” x 6” spreading brown
3 Astilbe chinensis 24” x 24” pink
1 Brunnera macrophyllum – Siberian bugloss 18″ x 24″ blue
1 Chelone glabra – Turtlehead 2-4’ x 12” white
1 Disporum flavens – Fairy bells 25-30” x 16-20” yellow
3 Dodecatheon meadia – Shooting star 12-24” x 6-12” white
1 Hosta ‘Blue Cadet’ 35-40” x 36” lavender
1 Primula veris – Cowslip 8”x 8” yellow
3 Stylophorum diphyllum – Celantine poppy 12-18” x 12” yellow
1 Tricyrtis hirta – Toadlily 2-3’ x 2’ white & purpleAll plants are perennials.
If planted together in one garden these make a 30 square foot garden. **Most of these plants get wider over time by spreading roots or by self-seeding .
18 plants for $158.14. Would be $186.05 if purchased separately. You save $27.90.
If you plan on coming to the Nursery to purchase this collection, please give us at least 24 hours notice to prepare the collection for you. -
Silene alpestris Alpine catchfly Z. 5-8
It flowers in May (through August) the flowers being of a polished whiteness
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“It flowers in May (through August) the flowers being of a polished whiteness, with the petals notched, and abundantly produced over the shining green masses of leaves.” Robinson 1903
Size: 4-6” x 8-12"
Care: full sun in well-drained soil
Native: European AlpsCollected in Austria by 1773
Silene caroliniana Wild Pink, Carolina campion, Sticky catchfly Z 4-8
In spring loose clusters of rose-pink flowers with five spreading wedge-shaped petals
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In spring loose clusters of rose-pink flowers with five spreading wedge-shaped petals
Size: 12” x12”
Care: sun to part shade in well-drained soil
Native: eastern and central North America
Wildlife Value: attracts Bees and ButterfliesNamed and described by Thomas Walter, 1788.
Silene suecica syn. Lychnis alpina Arctic campion Z 4-8
Rosy racemes May- June emerge from a mound of grass-like leaves
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Rosy racemes May- June emerge from a mound of grass-like leaves. Short-lived but reseeds.
Size: 5” x 6”
Care: Sun to part shade in moist well-drained soil
Native: Northern Asia & EuropeLychnis named by Theophrastus in the 3rd century B.C. for “lamp” (lychnos) due to using the leaves of Lychnis coronaria for lamp wicks, but some say due to the flame-colored flowers. Collected by moss expert George Don at Meikle Kilrannoch, Scotland in 1795. May 6, 1876 “The Garden” described its flowers as “forming bright rosy patches…”